Thursday, June 7, 2012

Miami vs Boston: This Series Isn't Over

As all the Lebron haters sit in a corner ready to climax all over the place because they think the series against Boston is just about over, I'm here to tell you to relax and put your dick away. This series is definitely not over. Let's forget about Spoelstra actually being a terrible coach and let's forget about the fact that Lebron likes to run away from the ball in the final minutes of a game. Let's look at the Boston big three for just one minute. What is the number that I'm looking at? In the last three years, Boston's big three is 11-13 in close out games. Now, I know Doc Rivers has been running circles around Spoelstra but the coaches don't play the game. There's no denying the talent on that Miami roster. If Dwayne Wade decides to stop with the nerd glasses without the lenses and worries about actually playing the basketball game, this team with Bosh is straight up a better team than the Celtics. Everyone over reacts when the Heat lose and everyone over reacts when they win also. This negativity can all be erased if the Heat win the next two. If Lebron gets that look in his eye, he'll take over this series. Does he have it in him? Does he have the killer instinct? We don't know, he hasn't shown it up to this point. But I'll tell you what, if he gets over that hump once who knows what he can do with the confidence he'll have. If Spoelstra wants to live and die with Lebron taking 18 foot jumpers, that's on him. But giving him the ball to go to the basket with the final shot, if he can do that one time he'll win the game. Write it down, Heat in 7. 

1 comment:

  1. Spoelstra is quite possibly the worst coach in the league, #1) I don't give two shits if bosh was hurt, if he's able to play he has to be down the stretch 2) what kinda fuckin playbook calls for 3 passes around the arc and then a chalmers chuck with 0.7 seconds left in the shot clock 3) I understand that with the ball in your hands as the clock is winding down you don't want to give the celtics any chance to get a shot off, but can the guy who's gonna take the shot whether it be wade or lebron get the ball with more than 1.2 seconds left so they can do something other than throw up a brick
