Tuesday, June 26, 2012

One Word Text Message Responses, Making People Want To Punch Each Other In The Face Since It's Invention

I think I can speak for both men and women when I say that nothing can piss a person off like a one word text message response after you've said something you see as important or meaningful. Or even if you're trying to hold a conversation in general and the person on the other end is politely telling you to go fuck yourself with one word at a time. Is this not the most annoying fucking thing on the planet? 

Let's say you're trying to talk to a girl, trying to figure out what she's doing this weekend and trying to get to know her. But she's giving you nothing back. She's responding with: Okay, Yea, Yup, Maybe, No, Right and Whatever. Nothing gets me more jacked up and wanting to punch a person in the face more than when I see a fucking response that just says, "Whatever". It's the ultimate "Fuck Off" one word response. 

What also gets me going? Well, funny you should ask. The one response that just makes me want to actually choke a bitch is simple, "K". Not, okay, not even ok, just the fucking letter K. What does this even mean? K tells me two things, the first one is that you don't really care. The second thing is that there's probably another dick in your mouth at this moment. If I was legally allowed to knock a bitch out when she responded with just the letter K, I definitely would consider it. 

So does the one word answer piss you off as much as I do? I hope so. There's no need for it, it's nonsense. How about having a normal conversation with a normal guy at a norma bar? No, that would be too much. Instead you'd rather blackout at a club, get roofied, grind all over some random dudes and then blow them in the bathroom right before you throw up. Does that sound about right? I think so. One word answers, pissing people off since 1998, or whenever text messaging actually started. 

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