Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


And the Mother Of The Year Award goes to this lady right here. If you have a fifteen month old kid and suddenly have the urge to go out for a drink what should you do? Should you A) Call a babysitter, B) Just buy something from a store and have a drink at home, C) Grow up and realize you have a kid now that you need to take care of, or D) Go to a club, leave the kid outside, and go in for a drink or ten? If you chose D then you my friend are correct. If you can't handle taking care of a kid then put it up for adoption. Or just don't get knocked up with some sailor you met during fleet week who's not around anymore. I'm no genius, but those are just my thoughts on the matter. So, here's your t-shirt mommy dearest, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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