Thursday, June 7, 2012

5 Horrible Fashion Trends That Should Never Be Allowed Again

Horrible fashion trends are just a thing that will continue to live on until this world ends. So I am going to give you five fashion trends that should never be allowed on the planet ever again...

5. Jorts: Come on with the jean shorts bro. I mean they were like kind of okay back in the day but if something takes this long to catch on and has people asking, "Is he really wearing jean shorts?" every time you're seen in them that should tell you they're not exactly a hip fashion statement. 

4. Hats With The Sticker Still On Them: Now this is one that I'll just never understand. What's the point of having the sticker with the size of your head just flashing around on your hat? You're sitting there wondering what the point is because there is actually no point to it. Just a dumb premise that should warrant a tazer to the chest if you're seen wearing it. 

3. Skinny Jeans: The only people who can rock these are gay dudes. If you're not gay then don't walk around in jeans that have the outline of your dick hanging out.

2. Ed Hardy Anything: My only question is Why? It's about $50 for a t-shirt and 80% of the people who wear them are unemployed. Please, tell me how this works exactly. 

1. Nerd Glasses (With and Without the Lenses): When did rocking nerd glasses become a fashion statement? Whether you have lenses in them or not they look absolutely retarded and you need your face broken just for wearing these things. I hope whoever started it steps on a lego piece and turns their ankle. Dumbest thing I've ever seen. 

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