Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If Roger Clemens Is Innocent, People Mistake Me For David Beckham In Public

Yesterday at around 4:45pm the verdict in the Roger Clemens perjury trial was announce and he was found innocent on ALL counts. Can I ask how the fuck the jury came up with this decision? Yeah, I know I wasn't in the courtroom and I didn't see all the evidence at hand and it needs to be beyond a reasonable doubt and all that shit. But I didn't need to see the courtroom evidence to know that this mother fucker took steroids and lied about it. Do you know why I didn't need the courtroom evidence? Because I had all the evidence I needed when I was watching this guy throw 95 and 96mph at 40 years old. That has physically never happened in the history of sports. You don't throw the same speed at 40 as you do at 22, it just physically doesn't happen. Tim Lincecum doesn't throw as hard as he did when he was 22 and he's like 25 or 26 years old. He's not even 30 yet. Either the jury was paid off or they just were the biggest bunch of morons to ever walk this planet. What does this mean for Clemens and the Hall Of Fame? Nothing, because every sports writer out there knows that he took steroids, he just wasn't found guilty. So if he's innocent, then I guess I'll be getting mistaken for David Beckham whenever I go out in public from now on because that's how sure I am that this guy just got away lying under oath. 

Sidenote: And did anyone listen to his jerkoff lawyer speak after the verdict was announced? Do you think lawyers are just pathological liars or do they actually believe the bullshit that's coming out of their mouths? This was a fucking joke. 

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