Monday, June 11, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


Get a load of this scenario. A car thief is in a courtroom, the judge decides that she's gonna do a favor and take it easy on this guy, and then this guy breaks into the judges car about four and a half minutes after leaving the courtroom. Now as easy as it would be for me to give the asshole of the day to the burglar, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to give it to the judge for being a moron. Good for you for trying to have sympathy and help a guy out, but this is what you get when you deal with criminals. A criminal will always want and try to be a criminal. That's just how they are. If you cut them slack, they'll take full advantage of you. They're like a drunk girl who you just put on your couch for the night because she couldn't even stand and then the next thing you know she's telling people you raped her. You can't cut them any slack, you just have to let them pay their punishment. And for the drunk girls if that punishment means sleeping in the middle of the street than so be it. So judge, here's your t-shirt. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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