Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Working With Women

One of my favorite things about being awesome is that I get to work with basically all women. With the exception of the two other guys that I work with, who are also awesome, we work with like fifteen girls and all of them are hot. But this doesn't actually have to do with them being hot, it has to do with them just being women and either forgetting or not giving a fuck that there are actually a couple of guys around. 

For instance, I have realized that women talk exactly like guys when they're comfortable in their surroundings. I have heard girls say, "I really need to get fucked," and "Oh my god I totally got railed by my boyfriend last night." These are things you don't normally hear from regular women, but coworker women will blurt out shit like this all the time. 

Also, when they get drunk and their are guys in the bar that they find attractive they will always tell you about it. They will also describe to you what they would like to do to that guy whether it be taking him into the bathroom, or going home with him and doing dirty things. We tell girls the same shit about girls who walk in the bar but it's expected from us, we're guys. 

These are the reasons that I love working with women. You hear things that you would normally never hear from your run of the mill woman. But the one thing that I did learn is that women are just like guys in almost every way. Other than having vagina's, they think just like we do and they'll tell you about the details just like we do. If you ever have the opportunity to work with women, jump all over that one. 

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