Friday, January 20, 2012

Why Are Women So Upbeat After Sex?

Ladies, serious question for all of you; why the hell are you all so damn upbeat after sex? It's like you just drank a gallon of red bull as you run around the room in our clothes like you're ready to run a marathon. What the fuck is going on? Did our dicks just inject you with caffeine? 

Guys are extremely simple after sex. We just want to lay down, maybe eat a sandwich, and then take a nap for a little while. Meanwhile, you have women pulling a tasmanian devil and flying all over the house or apartment baking cakes and planning out their next five days on an hour by hour basis. There is no possible way you could be this excited. 

And it's not like you girls are like this after shitty sex. You just got railed for twenty five minutes and you catch your breath within thirty seconds and you're ready to compete in a triathlon. Have you ladies ever heard of relaxing? Maybe unwinding for a little while? It could be nice to not be moving at 100mph all the fucking time. 

I just want to know, what is it about having sex that has you ladies so upbeat right after it? Is it the adrenaline rush like you just got into a car accident? Or is it just that penis inside you acts like steroids and just gets you jacked the fuck up at all times? I think I speak for all guys when I say this, learn to relax for at least a little while. Then do whatever the fuck you want. Especially if it entails making us food. 


  1. Pretty simple: girls release hormones including oxytocin so it's basically like they just did coke.. and guys release serotonin and tryptophan so it's like you just ate Thanksgiving dinner and probably did all the work.

  2. Looks like you just came up with tomorrow nights Fun Fact for the Late Night Special. Nice job googling.
