Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stand Back Everyone, He's Too Cool For Shots...

Of course, we all know someone who just has to be "that guy" whenever you and your friends go out. You know the guy who's too cool to conform to what everyone else is doing. And he's got a really hot girlfriend so he just looks at the rest of you like you're all pieces of shit and he's just that much better than you. We have all seen or met an asshole like this. 

I saw one of these the other night at work. His girlfriend had come in first with a few of her friends and when he got there they ordered shots. Now, this guy was like in his 40's and his girlfriend was 23. Good for him, but come on for her. Like sweetheart you're a hot ass 23 year old girl. Why are you with this guy? Is is just because he has money? If so, that's a horrible reason. 

Anyway, her friends try to be nice and order the shots. They give one to him since he looks like the old guy who is clearly out of place with the young people and he says, "No, I don't do shots. I'll live." Well, well, well big guy, I'm sorry you're too cool for shots. You'll live? Fuck off guy, how about that one? You stand there and act all high and mighty because you don't do shots. Like he was looking at these kids like they were scum. They're scum? You're at a bar at 40 years old with your 23 year old girlfriend and all her friends. I think you need to look in the mirror. 

So to the guy who's too cool for shots, loosen up bro. It's not good to always be walking around with a tight asshole. Plus your girl is young and wants to have fun. Don't be the guy who stands there and watches his girlfriend have fun. Even if you're old as fuck, try and have a good time. Don't be the dude who's too cool who everyone talks shit about behind his back. 

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