Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...The Final Encounter

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Finally, Jesus himself has been bounced from the playoffs in the exact fashion that I was hoping for, a complete blowout. I mean there were assholes wearing Tebow Time t-shirts last night at the bar to watch this fucking guy get raped and pillaged by New England. Is that the gayest thing anyone has ever heard of? I mean really, matching Tebow Time t-shirts? And you're gonna try and tell me you don't blow each other? Then they have the balls to say to me, "Wait a minute, you're rooting for New England because you hate Tebow." And I responded with, "Correct, and Tebow's down 28-7 right now so don't even start this argument with me because I will win this argument any day of the week." All I heard the rest of the night was how his teammates love him and all this other nonsense, none of which had to do with him playing actual football. Last night's game told you all you need to know about Tebow. He was 9-26 for 136 yards against what is statistically the LAST RANKED pass defense in the NFL. You're gonna sit there and try and tell me he's good? Get out of here. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut and that's what happened last weekend. But look on the bright side, I'm sure there are plenty of teams out there who could use an H-Back. I am done with Tim Tebow until next football season and I also need to add that all you asshole's who tweet me and email me about Tebow after he wins are awfully quiet when he plays shitty and loses. So fuck all of you, he's going home, he's not winning the Super Bowl and he never will. He won't be a starter by week 5 next season either. Write it down. See you in August. 

And here is a tribute to what happened to Tebow and the Broncos last night...


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