Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Johnny Baseball Top Ten List

Back at it folks, today we will examine the Top Ten Uses/Situations for the IPhone and or Android. We'll start it off light and then go into the guilty pleasures that everyone has.

10. E-Mail - I sound like a corporate techno dick, but it's true.  E-Mail for these phones is solid.  Especially if you are in college, you get all your updates and stuff right to your phone. Pretty clutch.

9. The Cameras - You could shoot a porno on these things and make some cash for yourself if you wanted to. Incredible pictures of your drunk friends puking and making fools of themselves, gotta love it.

8. The Apps- All kinds of cool stuff here.  From weight watcher apps, to fantasy sports apps, to games, everything and anything you could possibly want, all in your hand.

 7. Social Media - It is great to have your Twitter and Facebook all linked up so you can use it on your Iphone.  Gives you the oppoortunity to post drunk pictures of your friends and also turn into a sports reporter when the Jets, Giants, Yankees, and Knicks play.

6.  Pure Boredom - If you're bored, just whip out your IPhone/Smartphone/Android, you have games, the internet, and it's like being on a computer.

5. During A Blackout - Make sure it's charged, but again, for the same reasons as number 9, play some games, go on the internet, it's clutch. Sorta like Lebron in the first 3 quaters.

4. Getting Nudies From Girls - Yeah we all know, girls are stupid and will never learn not to send boys naked pics or sexy pics of them in their bra and panties and full frontal tits. Here's where number 9 comes into play.  The camera makes these pictures that much better.  These aren't Uncle Tommy's nudie pics, these are high quality, top of the line pictures. 

And The Top 3 reasons to have an Iphone, Android or any other smart phone are....

3. Masturbation- Let's say for arguments sake you have surgery, and can't get yourself in front of a computer, porn sites are great on these phones.  Also, let's say your computer's down and you have no access to the internet, and it's been a while. Lord knows you are pounding the flounder the first chance you get and these phones are a simple, yet sadistic way to do so.

2. While Taking A Shit - Let's be honest here, I bring my Iphone on the shitter 100% of the time. Why not? It makes the time go by faster with all of the games and apps. Time to keep up with technology here, this ain't your fathers shitter anymore folks! No newspaper needed.


To Prove People Wrong and Win Arguments - You have all been in this situation before.  You are in a heated debate with a friend about anything, sports, actors, movies, television shows, history, anything.  One friend tries to tell you Tony Romo is better than Eli Manning, UNTIL you pull out the stats.  One friend insists that the kill count for Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando is 98, but you know it's 102. One friend tells you Communism is a form of government when you know for certian it is an economic system.  And the key to go to the phone are the words yeah well "GOOGLE IT YOU HAVE A PHONE THAT CAN." Epic bets and wagers can be placed on these arguements.  This is one of the primary reason I have purchased the IPhone.

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