Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Asshole Of The Day Award


A 47 year old man is driving and cuts off a 45 year old man. The 47 year old man retaliates and cuts off the 45 year old man while flipping him the bird and honking his horn. And then the 45 year old man pulls up next to him and points a cross bow out of his window. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, what the fuck did I just say? This bro actually pulled out a cross bow because a guy cut him off while driving. Do you know just exactly how pre meditated this had to be? You don't just casually have a cross bow sitting in your passenger seat. You have to put some serious thought into this and say to yourself, "I'm bringing a cross bow with me just in cases someone cuts me off." That's fucking psychotic. I really think mental help should be in order here. You can't just go cross bowing people all over the road because you have worse road rage than DMX. Here's your t-shirt mountain man, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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