Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If She Wears That Sock Bun Hairstyle, She's A Cunt

What the fuck is with this sock bun hairstyle bullshit that the ladies have going on these days? I had no clue that the hairstyle of a medieval chinese woman was suddenly "in". As we can tell by the picture we all know the type of women who wear the sock bun hairstyle; cunts. 

"But it's just a hairstyle, what makes me a cunt?" First and foremost, Kim Kardashian does it, she is like the Queen of cuntville. Second of all, most females who think this hairstyle looks good are usually stuck up bitches who have a lot of daddy's money to spend. The only thing I really have to say about that is #richgirlproblems. 

Next, what is the appropriate venue to wear this hairstyle? I have no idea because as I stated earlier other than pictures from medieval China, I've never seen it anywhere. Award shows? Weddings? Modeling events? I have no fucking clue. It looks like a birds nest fucked a cinnamon roll and what came out just happened to land on your head. It doesn't even look remotely sexy. 

This is basically a long rant just telling you ladies to please get rid of this fucking stupid ass hairstyle. It is absolutely absurd the things that rich, cunty women do with their hair these days. If she wears this ridiculous thing on her head she is easily a stuck up bitch who will turn you down because you don't have a million dollars in your pocket. Write it down and remember it. Sock bun hairstyle equals cunty stuck up bitch. It's as consistent as gravity. 

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