Friday, July 27, 2012

I Wanna Party In The Olympic Village So Bad I Can Fucking Taste It

Holy shit. After reading the article in ESPN the Magazine I wanna go party in the olympic village so fucking bad I can taste it on the tip of my tongue. It's literally like a college fuck fest every time an event ends. Once events start to wind down the athletes just go on drinking rampages every night and just straight up nail anything and everything walking. Ryan Lochte banging hoes on balconies, Hope Solo talking about everyone getting smashed and then smashing each other, where else would you rather be? Whenever an article says that they ordered condoms like they ordered pizza, you know this shit is a party. 70,000 condoms weren't enough one year, they had to order 20,000 more. The Italians leaving their doors open for bitches to just walk in and fuck, and people just banging because they think they're never gonna see each other again. Yeah, it's basically your college senior week with stud athletes. And then on the night before the closing ceremonies the host team just throws a fucking Project X type of banger for everyone to remember as well as catch a curable STD. I'm going to just work on something like fencing or archery so hard for the next four years just so I can party in the olympic village. It's my destiny, and then I can die. But I have to get into the olympic village some way, some how. I can fucking taste it.

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