Monday, July 23, 2012

Listen Hun, You're Really Not Any Better Than Those Two People Making Out Next To You

Throughout my many years of people watching the one thing that I have noticed is that no matter where you go there is always that one girl who thinks she's better than everyone else because she's not making out with someone on the dance floor or in public in general. Well to that girl, you're not better than everyone just because you get no ass. 

This girl is always miserable and walking around with a fucking telephone pole up her ass, she's the biggest bitch in the world, and she just wants to start judging people right there. She says things like just loud enough so everyone can hear them too. And it always sounds something like this, "I mean really? That's disgusting, I can't believe they're just making out right there." Bitch please, if you actually got any ass you would be doing it to. It's not everyone else's fault that you have spider webs around your vagina because your haven't been laid in so long. 

This girl really stands there and is just looking for someone to say something to her and knock her the fuck out. Who cares that people are making out all over the place? I mean really, shame on them for just trying to get laid. Maybe that's something you should do bitch instead of standing there and sounding like an old lady who just saw an interracial couple for the first time. 

Try it some time hun, maybe you'll enjoy it. Because while you're watching people do stupid shit, I'm watching you be a cunt and rolling through ideas for this shitty blog. And guess what? Now you're the star of the show for once. You only live once, let the people do what they want, is it really affecting your life right now that they're making out? No, so cut the shit, drink some tequila and try it for yourself. You never know, you just might change your mind instead of being a total cunt.  

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