Monday, July 30, 2012

5 Signs You Two Should Stop Talking

You're talking to someone, you're a little on the fence about keeping it going because of some things they may or may not have said that have been red flags. Here are 5 signs that you two should probably stop talking...

5) They're making plans more than a week in advance: If you're talking to someone for less than two months and they're making plans with you more than a week in advance then run as fast as you can as far away as you can. Next thing you know you'll be making plans that require deposits that you can't get out of and then you're really fucked.

4) They start talking about feelings: If the person is talking about how they feel about you right away then you need to get out. The talk about feelings shouldn't come for at least a month and a half, if it comes before that you need to get out before you have them waiting outside your window with a deadly weapon threatening your life if you don't continue talking to them.

3) The What Are We Talk: The what are we or where are we going with this talk means get the fuck out right now. Everything is all well and good until that talk comes around. If you really know where it's going you shouldn't need the talk. If you do need this talk then obviously the person bringing it up is banging someone else.

2) A Lunch Date: You want a one way ticket to the friend zone? Go on a lunch date. You go to lunch with a cousin who you only see once every four months not a person you're trying to have sex with.

1) Anything that starts with the words "My Ex": If they start bringing up anything about their ex, it's time to go. Can you think of a reason they should be talking about their ex while they're with you? No. It means they're not over them. Get out now and save yourself the trouble. Or if you want the trouble you can just wait until they get back with their ex, then you'll tell me I was right.

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