Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How To Make A Splash In Your Office

You know all those stories that you hear about unknown guys in the office who suddenly are the most popular guy in the office after one softball game? Well apparently that actually happens says one of my friends. Like when you hear about it you don't think that it actually happens in real life, but this actually does go on in the real world.

My friend was telling me that he probably spoke to about three people in his office. They asked him to play softball and he said sure, he's okay don't expect anything crazy. Before you say something like this you have to realize that about ninety percent of the dudes playing are the most uncoordinated and unathletic people to walk this earth. If you show up and have some coordination, they think you're the best athlete since Bo Jackson.

He shows up to the game, gets four hits and makes all the plays at second base. The next day he has managers and bosses walking by his office saying things like, "Hey! All star second baseman over here, how's it going?" Followed by a fist pump. It's like you might not have been popular before you joined the office softball team, but now you're like that rookie they just brought up to the bigs who just so happens to be the best player on the team.

Do you want to make a splash in your office? If you are any bit athletic, join the softball team and realize that especially since it's slow pitch everyone should be good at it. But they won't be and you'll be the star of the office. Then when you guys beat the branch they hadn't beaten in eight years, you will be the one leading the team to victory and ultimately becoming the office softball star. And then the splash is made and you're famous. This 110% actually does happen. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself.

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