Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Obnoxious Guy Who You Have To Put Up With

Everyone has that guy who's friends with one or two of your actual friends and you have to put up with him because they like him. Meanwhile this guy is a loser and the biggest anti poon on the face of the earth. You all know exactly who I'm talking about, he's the obnoxious friend who you have to put up with. 

He's the guy who's unemployed and still lives at home at like 29 years old, yet goes out partying on a Tuesday night. You have no idea how he affords this lifestyle, but you don't ask. And then not only do you have to put up with him being an obnoxious asshole, but you also have to put up with him scaring all the pussy away. When he's around it is literally impossible to get laid because no girls want to come near you or your friends because you're associated with this guy. 

And it's worse when you take a girl or a person from work with you to meet your friends and this guy just happens to be there. Then you have to introduce him as a friend and you're fucking mad that this guy represents one of your friends. Like you have to try your best to not kill him and then you take the girl or other person to the side and have to explain to them this guy isn't really your friend but you just put up with him. Then the girl just thinks you're trying to impress her and the person from work just thinks he banged your ex girlfriend, it's a vicious cycle. 

If you all think really hard about this, you can definitely find at least one person like this in your life. You hate when he's around, you have to tell him off ninety percent of the time, and to top it off you will never get laid when he's there. He brings nothing to the table and he doesn't even drive. What good is this fucking guy? No good, and when your actual friends tell you that he's always there for them all you need to respond with is, "That's because he has nothing else to do." After that they might see the light. If they don't just try not to associate with him. Although a tough feat to accomplish, where there's a will, there's a way. 

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