Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sometimes Slow And Steady Does Win The Race...

This girl had it all. The roar of the crowd, the lead in the race, and the thrill of victory was only a few feet away. And then her lack of athleticism came out and took those dreams away as the crowd got quieter than someone telling a Sandusky joke at a youth soccer game. This is why it takes a lot for women to be good athletes. There aren't a ton of athletic women out there as you can see from exhibit A over here just eating complete shit as she was about to cross the finish line. When a woman is athletic and has coordination, it's actually sexy. When she has no control of her body and goes mouth first into the pavement, it's the furthest thing from sexy. And if you're gonna fall, fall all the way back, don't get so close to victory and then have your legs taken out from under you. Show some will and determination. Also, don't just lay there like a spineless jellyfish, get up and finish the race. 

Sidenote: Did you notice how the girl she was racing contemplated going back and helping? Yeah, she then quickly realized this is her only chance to ever win anything and then she was so happy to cross the finish line first. She was definitely that girl who was picked last for everything growing up. 

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