Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Before I begin, I just want to thank Bob Bobby for the email. Now, this just adds to the list of reasons why Tim Tebow sucks. After he played really shitty and lost this weekend Bill Maher tweeted something along the lines of Jesus really fucked Tim Tebow on Christmas Eve. With that tweet Tebow fans have become outraged and are plotting to cancel their HBO subscriptions. Really? Wah, cry me a fucking river. Tebow's a grown man, he can take care of himself. Just because a comedian makes a joke about him suddenly means that all his fans throw temper tantrums and cancel their HBO packages? Give me a fucking break. People tweet shit about players being shitty all the time, you don't see any of their fans getting all woman on her period and throwing shit fits over it. How about you people stop taking shit so seriously and learn to laugh. Enough is enough, it's never Tebow Time. 

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