Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Why Tim Tebow Sucks Today...

Tim Tebow sucks today for the sheer fact that he could probably bang any girl he wants, yet he has a girlfriend. Why? You were the quarterback for the University of Florida, you are now in the NFL making some pretty good fucking money to suck, and you have a girlfriend. I'm totally looking past the face that you don't even bang her, I'm just asking why a guy like you would only want to choose one vagina instead of having your pick of numerous vagina's? It doesn't make sense to me, and it doesn't make sense to anyone else. Long story short, you probably have a vagina and you need to grow a pair of balls soon. If you expect to win this weekend you'll need those balls. But guess what? Kyle Orton is coming to town and costing you the AFC West this weekend. Remember who said it last week, this guy right here. Good day to all. 

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