Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chiefs beat Packers, Pats beat Denver Tebows....In Related News, The World Has Not Ended

Would you look at that! The Patriots beat Tebow, and the Packers have finally lost a game and everyone is still breathing. Why is it so quiet in loosey goosey Tebow land today? What happened? No divine intervention playing against a real team? Did Tebow lose his virginity during the week that God happened to not be on his side today? I think it was just that we saw exactly what I've been saying for the last eight weeks and that is that the Broncos haven't beaten a good team yet. And yes, that was proved today. Also, as Slothy stated to me via text message today, it was the first real day of cold weather today. The teams who can't run the football (aka the Packers), can't win games in this weather. It was exposed today. But look on the bright side, at least everyone's still alive right? 

Sidenote: Who is the worst team in New York the Jets or the Giants? We'll find out next week in the New York Toilet Bowl. 

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