Thursday, December 22, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award


If you're trying to buy a woman a drink and she turns you down, what should your next move be? Should you A) Walk away and be happy that you didn't spend that money, B) Move on to the next one, or C) Take a bowling ball and throw it at her forehead? If you chose C, then come on down you're on the Price is Right. Really bro? A bowling ball? How fucking horny are you that you're trying to get laid at a bowling alley? Have you ever seen the chicks that hang out at bowling alley's? And I'm not talking about the mom's who take their kids there, I'm talking about the bitches who actually bowl. It consists of biker chicks and Nick Mangold's sister. None of which validate getting pissed off that they turned you down. That's like getting mad that the gun didn't go off in your face while playing Russian Roulette. Here's your t-shirt bro, you'll really be seeing how much of a man you are when you're getting the shit kicked out of you in jail. 

Sidenote: If you don't know who Nick Mangol's sister is, google her. You won't be disappointed. 

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