Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Given The Choice Between The Two, She Always Goes Back To Her Ex

I can never really understand why women who are still involved with their ex always try and start something with other guys. Is it just the fact that they're not technically labeled that they're with their ex anymore? Or is it just that they want some new peesh in their life for a split second before they decide to go back to the ex? I have no idea, it's something I just do not understand. But if you still talk to your ex, you're still with your ex. It's very simple.

Let's say he cheats on you. You two break up, but you're a dummy and you still talk to him. He just cheated on you, why would you still talk to this guy? He totally broke your trust in every way and you still talk to him because you, "care about him". No, you just don't think you can get with anyone else so you keep him around to boost your self esteem. Still talking to your ex who cheated on you is like knowing the dude who robbed your house but still being friends with him. 

Meanwhile, you meet this other guy and start talking to him. This guy just so happens to be a nice guy. He takes you out and drops some nice money on you with dinner and drinks. Next thing he knows, he goes on facebook and you're taking pictures at the tree in Rockefeller Center with the guy who cheated on your ass. And you claim to be single. Not only are you dumb, you're also not single. We call this the double whammy.  

For some reason women don't understand the concept of once a cheater, always a cheater. He cheated on you because he thought he had you wrapped around his finger. By getting back with this guy, you're just proving him right. He's gonna do it again, you'll get back with him again, and the cycle will continue. Just like that friend who robbed your house. You didn't even call the cops on him, you just let him take what he wanted and he's still your best friend. Next thing you know, three months down the road he robbed your house again. 

Sidenote: I'm not one to gloat but my analogies are just straight up fantastic. 


  1. Great post. Have to agree with your sidenote, you analogies are pretty spot on.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Def one of the most well spoken blogs!!!

    Mikey Boombotz
