Friday, December 30, 2011

Pussy Whipped

Guys put on this big front all the time like they're tough as shit. This guy is the man, the other guy bangs every girl he sees, and that guy over there just doesn't care about anything. Then all of a sudden that tough guy meets some girl and he turns into the biggest little bitch in the world. 

What are you doing bro? What happened to that tough guy who never cared about anything? Now you're hypnotized and running your life around this chick you just met who in all honesty is just an evil little bitch. She treats you worse than a piece of shit on a street corner in New York City. And you just sit there and take it. 

Who cares how hot she is? Maybe you should reach between your legs and check if your balls are still there. Even though she probably carries them in her pocket. Being pussy whipped is like being a slave. You do what she says, when she says it, and if you don't do it you usually get hit with something. It's a terrible way to live your life. Also, there is a one hundred percent chance that all your friends and family hate this broad because they all know how terribly pussy whipped you actually are. And lastly, you only get it in when she wants, which is usually like once a month. Therefore, you're a certified slave.

You even put on this front when she's not around like you're this tough guy and all of a sudden she shows up and you crawl into the fetal position and listen to every word she says. Why do you do that to yourself? Basically, you're softer than puppy shit. You're not the cool guy with the hot girlfriend, you're the weird guy with the hot girlfriend who has you on a leash. You're the exact equivalent to a Jew during the time of Moses. Just getting forced to build pyramids in 110 degree weather, and getting hit with whips all day. That's exactly what you are when you're pussy whipped and you never have someone to part the Red Sea for you. 

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