Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You Just Got Punched In The Face By Her Hotness

Let me paint a little picture for you. You're out at the mall and you're trying to buy some shit. It doesn't mater what that shit is, you're just trying to buy something. You pick out your prize and then you head to the register. At first, you can only see the back of the girl who's working. She's busy doing something and then you do the loud throat clear to get her attention. She turns around and you're stunned to see how hot she is. You my friend, just got punched in the face by her hotness. 

She looks at you and smiles and it's a great smile. Still, you're stunned. Then she asks you a question regarding what you just bought and it takes you at least seven seconds to answer because you can't get the words out of your mouth. It's like you're foaming at the mouth after Mike Tyson just gave you a right hook. However, no matter how dumb you appear, she's still smiling at you. Little do you know that by the time you finally get the words out it's too late because she already thinks you're a socially awkward jackass. 

Turns out this girl is cool too. She makes a cute joke and you do that stupid chuckle thing that makes you look and sound like a 5th grader with a crush on his teacher. Whenever a girl punches you in the face with her hotness it's like a sucker punch. You're not expecting it and you can't find a way to actually get yourself up off the pavement. 

Finally, you get through the whole fiasco and she just thinks you're a creep and you think she's the hottest thing you've ever seen. Unknowingly, she rocked your jaw with how hot she is. It's something that a guy will never recover from. You always have to be ready for the hot girl sucker punch. If you're unprepared, you just look like a fool. Like Keanu Reeves in every one of his movies. 

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