Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday To Us, Today We're One Years Old

Holy shit balls, I can't believe we turned one fucking year old today. I would be impressed, but I'm not at all since our facebook page and twitter page suck balls (cough, cough spread the word a little better please). I'm just fucking with you guys. But the first person I would like to thank is myself for being awesome as well as having a shaft that rivals Peter North. I also have to thank my developer Dom for actually making the site and doing every stupid fucking thing I annoy him with. I have to thank our two newest additions in B Slata and @jimboslicee for actually writing things and Slothy can still go fuck himself. 

And obviously the biggest thank you and shout out goes to the fans and followers of this thing. Without you guys this thing would have been dead a long time ago. I'm not one for sentimental bullshit but I do this thing every day because you guys tell me that you actually enjoy it, so thank you for reading and listening to my dumb ass talk. I know I have a seat reserved in hell for me one day because of this fucking thing but thank you for keeping this shit going. Happy fucking birthday to us, have a beer on me. If we're big enough by next year I can promise we will be throwing down a rager at some bar in NYC. Which gives you all incentive to spread the word. 

Also to celebrate our first birthday I have teamed up with @OnlyFunnyMovies on twitter. Here's what you have to do for a free t-shirt. You have to be following me and him. Then if you can name the movie that any of his quotes are from, you mention me (@thtalkofthetown) and him (@OnlyFunnyMovies) in your reply and if you're correct you get a free t-shirt. At that point I will contact you for your info to send you your free t-shirt. This offer is only good for today because I'm not a fucking 19 year old chick and it's not a birthday weekend, it's a birth DAY. So follow him, follow me and get fucking looking up those movie quotes. And once again, thank you for the support. 

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