Friday, July 6, 2012

The Facebook Difference

If you're a female this post should actually be used as a lesson for you. There is nothing that illustrates the point that guys just want to fuck you and not be friends with you better than Facebook relationship status changes. It is actually almost like a game in itself once statuses change and a chick is technically "off the market". 

Everyone knows those chicks on facebook who post a new picture of themselves every other day. What happens every time she posts a new picture of herself? Every guy who happens to be friends with her sees it and like it. It'll say "This guy and 87 people Like this". Obviously, guys want to fuck her so they creep and like her new picture that she constantly puts up. Did you really think he was just liking your picture to be nice? He's liking it because he's gonna be jerking his dick that same picture in five minutes and he's gonna call it "facefucking". But then what happens once this chick gets a boyfriend?

Well the first thing that happens once this chick gets a boyfriend is that she obviously posts a picture of her and her boyfriend. Suddenly, as opposed to having 88 likes from 85 different guys this picture only had 3 likes all from her three close girl friends. As soon as guys see a picture of this chick with another guy and then she posts that they're in a relationship every guy sits at his computer screen and out loud says, "Fuck me". Yeah, because you really had a shot bro. You're just a dude who creeps on her pictures on facebook, she wouldn't know you from a hole in the wall if she saw you in person. 

But that's how big of scumbags guys are. We'll enjoy everything you do until you are no longer allowed to be fucked by whoever attempts to talk to you. But then once your relationship status says, So and so went from "in a relationship" to "single", it just so happens that those 85 creeps make an unexpected return from the dead and they all like it again. Quite honestly there is nothing that hammers my point home that guys just wanna bang you more than this example. If you haven't noticed it yet take  a look around the facebook world. Dudes are on a steady diet of creeping on chicks pictures. It just takes a keen eye to notice just how much. 

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