Monday, July 2, 2012

Can You Tell If She's Hot From Behind?

Let's paint a picture. You're walking down the street, you see a chick in front of you and by looking at her ass you take a guess right away whether she's definitely hot or definitely not. Is this a possible feat? Is it really that easy to tell whether a not a chick is hot? Whether you're right or wrong though, you always end up trying to figure it out. 

You look at chicks from behind sometimes and you say to yourself, "I don't even need to see her face, I know she's hot." And any time that you actually do say that, it almost always turns out that you are correct. It's almost like your penis has the intuition that this broad walking in front of you is the minimum of an 8 on the hotness scale and you just know you don't even need to see her face, she's gonna be a hottie. 

Some may think this isn't possible, but you'd be wrong. If her hair is down, her ass is beautiful and she looks well kept; she's gonna be hot when she turns around and you actually see her face. If your penis doesn't tingle when you look at her from behind, she's not gonna be hot. This is one of the only times that thinking with your dick turns out to be a flawless decision. Not saying that thinking with your dick isn't a good decision. I'm just saying penis made decisions never go flawlessly. 

Do you think you can tell if a chick is hot from behind? Just trust your pecker. Your dick will lead you in the right direction. And then if the chick you think is hot turns around and happens to be a guy, well then someone's probably telling you that you're gay. But other than that the answer is yes, you can tell if she's hot from behind. All you need to do is listen to the third leg of the tripod sitting between your legs. 

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