Friday, December 2, 2011

What Do The Jews Think Of Tim Tebow?

This idea was given to me by my Jewish friend so before we completely jump down my throat here let's just remember that this is all for laughs. The fact that I even have to say that at this point is ridiculous to me, but a girl is suing everyone else over nude pictures that she sent out so anything can happen these days. 

Anyway, to all the Jewish people out there and there are probably about six of you who read this including Slothy, what's your thoughts on Mr. Tebow? Jesus was actually Jewish (which no one seems to remember) so what is your perspective on this guy with his hot girlfriend who he doesn't bang and just sits there and thanks Jesus all day? 

Or do you love him because he brings up religion and god all day every day? I don't know, I'm not big into religion as most of you can probably tell so I don't even know what I think of the guy. Do you see him as a guy who is genuinely loves god, or do you see him as a fraud making religious people look like complete creeps? 

Slothy, you're Jewish, what do you have to say about this one. Tim Tebow, love him or hate him? It's up to Slothy. Could Tebow actually be Jesus, or is he just another fraud claiming to love religion. I can't answer it. I'm Catholic, the only thing I get out of my religion is that they rob money from me and they touch little kids. Yeah, I totally just went there. Oh well, sue me. Slothy, everyone is patiently waiting for your response. 

1 comment:

  1. He's is the reflection of gods image on earth. Since he started his run with the Broncos I have now gone celibate. I only eat the body of Christ and drink his wine. I attend church regularly in both English and and Spanish. He is the prophet & our savior. ::bends down Renown Pose::
