Friday, December 2, 2011

The Miracle of Tim Tebow

Okay, so I'm taking a little break from my 30 page minimum paper on the greatest threat to peace in our world. Which I'm writing on economic facades and foreign dependence which cover up internal structural problems in the economic and political spheres of country's, using Yugoslavia as a case study...which in lamens terms means I'm way smarter than anybody who reads or writes for this shitty ass blog.

On to the miracle that is Tim Tebow, and how I feel about him as a lonely Jew on Christmas. I can honestly say that after watching this guy play football for the best 5 or 6 weeks that Jesus exists, and not only exists but likes and favors Tebow. All the talk about Jesus being a falsehood should be put to rest, how else can you explain Tim Tebow winning football games. You can't. Tebow does everything the Lord tells him to do, and the Lord is rewarding him with wins. However, I believe that Tebow will soon begin to mirror the Catholic Church, yes I said it. What started off as innocent religion is going to turn into a money making machine. Andy Pettitte, move the fuck over because Tim Tebow is here to stay and will be the new star for the bible commercials. For now though, I wouldn't want to play the Broncos because Jesus (code for the Broncos defense) will simply not allow Tebow to lose.

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