Saturday, December 17, 2011

Drunk Story Saturday's: Shovel Girl

Drunk Story from Jeffrey (Pennsylvania)

Me and my two college roommates went down to Myrtle Beach to end our summer before we went back to school. Our plans were very simple; beach, bitches, and party. And we did a lot of all three. Now, our second day there we meet these girls at the beach. There were three of us and four of them, and that's always a recipe for disaster. Especially when number four for them looks like she got hit in the face with a shovel. The ongoing joke the rest of the day was that she looked like she got hit in the face with a shovel, and her name was shovel girl. We get their numbers and we told them we'd call them later that night. 

For some reason we didn't pre game with them we just met them out. By the time we got to them we were all just incredibly fucked up. Then the problem occurred. My two friends are with a girl, and I'm with a girl. Shovel girl is standing there pouting. Absolutely brutal. We tried going back with them, but they couldn't leave their pouting ugly friend. 

We then get back to our place and I'm texting this one girl trying to tell her to come by with her two friends. One of my roommates who was incredible fucked up at the time asks if he could have my phone so he can respond to their text. Little did I know he was going to not only burn the bridge, but he was going to collapse it. He responds with: 

"Alright, then youse ain't getting fucked tonight. If you're trying to get fucked by the end of your trip call us, just leave shovel girl home unless she's down for a three way."

Needless to say, we never saw or heard from those chicks again. 

One word comes to mind...EPIC

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