Friday, December 16, 2011

Asshole(s) Of The Day Award
Two fucking asshole kids out on Long Island got suspended by their high school for Tebowing in the hallway with forty other kids. Good, I am fucking glad these two assholes got suspended for Tebowing. I can't believe that society has gotten so caught up in Tim Tebow that we have kids trying to do this shit in the hallways of schools, out at bars, and pretty much anywhere else. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. I forgot Tebow was now a verb. I cannot wait until Tebow gets exposed for what he really is on the football field, and that's a shitty QB. As for the two idiots who got suspended, here are your t-shirts, enough with this Tebow shit, do what normal high school kids do and go get wrecked at parties and lie to your parents that you haven't been drinking. At least that's respectable, Tebowing is not. 

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