Thursday, December 8, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award
Clearly this guy had a death wish, and clearly his wish didn't come true. So my question is, how drunk do you have to be to fall asleep between train tracks? You would have to be absolutely housed. That's what this asshole did. He got hammered, fell asleep between the train tracks, and somehow survived getting run over by a freight train. How? I have no idea, but he only had a couple of scratches on his forehead. Hey guy, maybe I'm the moron, but getting drunk and falling asleep between the train tracks is probably the last thing you should be doing. Next time maybe you should try jumping off a bridge just to see what happens. Those results might end up a little differently. Here's your t-shirt jackass, you better thank someone, because they apparently wanted you to survive your stupidity. 

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