Thursday, November 10, 2011

@jimboslicee's #TweetoftheDay .. So Ashton Kutcher Got His Shit Kicked In On Twitter Last Night

The Person...
- Ashton Kutcher @aplusk

The Tweet...
- "How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye (the University of Iowa football team) fan I find it in poor taste"

The Reaction...
- There was a lot of negative backlash toward Ashton because of this tweet last night. I guess what Ashton tried to say in his defense was he didn't actually know the whole story because he was working (who noes).. but i remember seeing this guy going completely out of his way to apologize to every follower of his that said something in response to the tweet. This was something that a person like Rashard Mendenhall didn't do after his disgusting tweets about bin laden, so in my book Ashton gets a pass. Let's try and move on from this whole Penn State scandal also.

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