Thursday, November 17, 2011

Top Ten Unrealistic Movies

You know what really grinds my gears? Unrealistic movies. Watching an extremely unrealistic movie last night, I came up with the idea to rattle off my top ten unrealistic movies ever. This is not counting the Harry Potter series because that's all about magic and all that nonsense. And I'm not throwing in the Twilight Saga just because that's way too easy. I'm talking about movies that try to appear realistic and clearly aren't. So, without further a do, here we go.

10) Weekend At Bernies
As much as I love the movie as a whole, it's probably the most unrealistic premise ever. To think that hundreds of people don't realize that this guy is dead is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You would start to smell him after a couple of hours and it would just be completely disgusting to hang out with a dead body the entire time. Totally unrealistic.

9) Rookie Of The Year
Another movie that is a classic, but it's totally unrealistic. Maybe a ten year old breaks his arm and can throw hard, but not 102mph. Also, the kid wouldn't go straight to the majors, he would have to go through the minors first. It's not realistic, and the baseball playing in the movie itself is atrocious.

8) The Replacements
Yes, who doesn't love this movie? But the thought of a team full of replacement has been players coming back from 17 points down in the second half to beat the defending Super Bowl champs is like a middle of the road college team walking into Lambeau and and beating the Packers on Sunday. It's not happening.

7) 40 Days and 40 Nights
It's about a guy trying to not have sex, masturbate or do anything that involves touching his penis besides taking a piss for 40 days. That entire premise is unrealistic. The end.

6) Every Transporter Movie
Jason Statham is the man, but beating up massive amount of people with no guns and barely anything but your bare hands has about a 1.7% chance of actually happening in real life. There's no way.

5) Life As We Know It
Decent movie, but two good looking people living together and taking that long to actually have sex would never happen. They'd be boning after a week at the most.

4) Law Abiding Citizen
None of this would ever happen, especially while he was in jail. You don't just prance in and out of jail at your leisure continuing to kill people without anybody noticing. The day that happens is the day Penn State doesn't support child molestation. Still too soon?

3) Every Die Hard Movie
Bruce Willis is the man, those movies are entertaining, but there is just absolutely no way any of that happens. From a plane somehow catching on fire while taking off to Bruce Willis shooting through himself to kill someone, none of that is fathomable.

2) Paranormal Activities
Although these movies seem real, they really aren't. Any guy in his right mind would have left Katie mid way through the first one, which means there would not have been a second or third one. I think the part where she just magically gets dragged out of bed would have been the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

1) Torque
This has the two most unrealistic movie scenes EVER. In the history of movies, these two scenes are the most unrealistic. You're not driving a motorcycle on top of a moving train, or inside a movie train. It's not happening. Also, the final scene where they're fighting on motorcycles going about 2,000mph is totally ridiculous. You don't get into an accident on a motorcycle that's going 65mph and live, let alone 2,000mph. Oh, and blowing up a warehouse and being the only one to survive is also ridiculous. I am going to post the train scene, but youtube apparently doesn't have the ending 2,000mph scene. Whatever, you'll get the point just by watching this ridiculous thing. Oh, and Ice Cube is the worst actor of all time. Possibly worse than Keanu Reeves.

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