Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What The Fuck Is This Shit?

Thanks Stewie for the suggestion. Now, can I ask everyone what the fuck is this shit? Seriously girls, why would you spend money to put feathers in your hair? What is the purpose of this? I'm extremely confused. Also, I am extremely confused about who Carishma is and why the hell she's endorsing snap on feathers. How materialistic has this world become that women are spending money to put reusable feathers in the hair? I guess hillbilly guys had the raccoon hats and now girls have the feathers. Girls, would you date a guy wearing a raccoon hat? I doubt it. Therefore, guys don't wanna date girls with feathers in their hair. It's not a double standard here, if you buy these things you need to seriously look in the mirror and re-evaluate your life. 

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