Friday, November 25, 2011

Great Debates Week 4 Hammer vs Slothy: Best Thanksgiving Food



Probably a debate we should have used like before yesterday, but whatever it's all the same. Today's debate is what is the best Thanksgiving food.


I am going with the stuffing. Although cranberry sauce runs the point like Jason Kidd, the stuffing is the compliment to greatness, much like Scottie Pippen. It is always the second thing that you look for to make sure that it's on the table. Obviously the first thing you're looking for is the turkey and this is always followed by a look around the table to make sure that the stuffing is there. If the stuffing isn't there you would freak out, but if the cranberry sauce wasn't there you would just think, "Oh well, I guess no cranberry sauce today." The stuffing is a dual threat, he can go inside and be eaten with the turkey or he can shoot the three and be eaten by himself. He's like Robert Horry in the playoffs.

Also, the stuffing has a better look to it. Not that it looks so awesome, but when the cranberry sauce is out of the can and it just looks like there's a can of cranberry sauce sitting on the table, you tend to want to stay away from that area. It almost looks like something from Area 51. Not everyone is going to be Slothy and go out of the way to make their own cranberry sauce. Basically, the stuffing is always the compliment to the greatness of the turkey. The cranberry isn't Jordan, the turkey is Jordan and the stuffing is Pippen. Without stuffing, you have compliments, you just have Jordan and cranberry as your 8th guy off the bench.

Sidenote: Desserts rockin' the shit, apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Bonerific.


Now that Thanksgiving is over (sort of, I'm still crushing leftovers) we can reflect on this great day. Steve and I decided this would be a great opportunity to debate over the best Thanksgiving food. I know he's taking stuffing, which is the obvious move for a front runner like him, and even though I think stuffing is delicious; it doesn't beat my boy cranberry sauce in a contest.

First off, you have to actually make the cranberry sauce. You don't cop out and by some packaged shit, you go hard or you go home. It's a very simple recipe, you buy a package of Ocean Spray cranberries. Next you put a cup of water and a cup of sugar in a sauce pan together. Let that shit boil and then add the cranberries...once the cranberries are in and the pan begins to boil again, put it down to a low heat or a simmer and stir it every 2 minutes for 15 minutes. Take it out of the pan, let it cool to room temperature and put it in the fridge...boom you're done.

Now, on to why cranberry sauce runs shit on Thanksgiving. Cranberry sauce is the point guard on this holiday, plain and simple. He's the Michael Jordan of this team, he's making everyone around him better. What's stuffing doing? Oh, he's being Lebron James, hogging the ball and weighing everyone around him down. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Cranberry sauce isn't looking to score 35 points, he's going for a double-double...or even a triple-double; he's Jason Kidd on this holiday.

Here's the combo (the killer combo) on Thanksgiving. I've been doing it this way for about 8 years and cranberry sauce is the most important part of my team. Here's what it is, cranberry sauce, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes; all of that mixed together is a winning recipe. This combo isn't about regular season accolades, it wins championships and that's what it's all about. Cranberry sauce is the most important part of this team because it's distinctive taste brings out the best in every other part of the team. Stuffing could go down with an injury and that combo would still be money. If cranberry sauce gets hurt, the combo just isn't going to work, you can't run a triangle offense with three ball hogs, you have to distribute the ball.

On a side note I just want to point out that Thanksgiving is by far the best holiday there is. I don't care about Christmas cause I'm Jewish, but I just think it's far and away the holiday I look forward to most.

P.S. As far as desserts go, it's pecan pie in a landslide Ronald Reagan type victory.


  1. sloth you really need to find a new team to hate, basketball season starts on your least favorite holiday therefore you should stop pulling down the pants of the heat, you should stop making lebrons penis sloppy and wet with your saliva of bigotry. cant you find a new player to hate, and also sweet potatoes win you both lose.

  2. Even the pilgrims are frowning upon this post. The stuffing and the cranberry sauce? REALLYYYY? if you ever knew what actually went into the stuffing you'd probably think twice about making it your favorite thanksgiving go to, and the cranberry sauce? well he's a jew, what does he know about good food. I have to go with the anonymous man above me the sweet potatoes are hands down the best thanksgiving food. Creamy rich sweet potatoes, mashed to perfection with a hint of cinnamon, all blended with the sweet taste of maple syrup and buttery goodness, topped with crispy marshmallows on the outside,and melting to goo on the inside. Infact Jason Biggs really stuck his dick in a Sweet Potato Pie because thats the real American Pie.
    - your girl AL

  3. cranberry sauce is more of a condiment than anything else... the best condiment known to mankind, but still a condiment. thats kinda like saying gravy is the best part about thanksgiving, cuz its just as easy to make and it adds to every dish, and everyone loves that shit. and the way that "your girl AL" described sweet potatoes makes me want to have thanksgiving dinner all over again. great arguing on both sides though, as per usual.


  4. Alright Al that's like saying if you knew what was inside of a vagina you definitely wouldn't eat it. Yeah, stuffing looks likes shit, but we eat it anyway because it's fucking delicious. Vagina isn't exactly all that appetizing either but we fuck it and lick it anyway because it's vagina and it's the greatest invention on the face of the earth. It's the same principle. If you're gonna come at the stuffing at least come at it with something better than "if you only knew what went into it".

  5. hey steve how bout i tell you about whats been stuffing your moms vagina. I wasnt hating on the stuffing i just dont think its the best part of the meal. Im not really sure how I’m supposed to compare eating my nice wholesome thanksgiving meal to eating a vagina considering i've never done that before, but thank god i have an entire year to recover from that thought. However, stuffing is like foreplay you might eat it cause you have to but if you really knew what you were doing you'd cut to the chase and plow straight into the sweet potatoes to get what's really satisfying. Everyone knows the sweet potatoes are the best. I’m done with Thanksgiving talk, see u in hell. PS i sent you a blog for tomorrow
