Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hooking Up Your Friends

Let's say you have a new girl, and she has some hot friends. It's basically your duty to try and get your friends hooked up with her friends. Even if it's only a one time thing, it's still your duty to help out your boys, and get them some fresh fish to catch. I know you all just loved that analogy right there. Anyway, how can you accomplish this? 

It's pretty simple, you can go two ways. The planned way, or the "unplanned" way. I'll explain the planned way first. You basically tell this girl that you're going out with your friends and you want her to come out and to bring her friends with her. Once you say that, she's running and telling her friends that you have these cute guy friends who wanna meet them and all this bullshit. You're making this happen because you have seen her friends and you know they're hot. If you're not 100% positive that her friends are hot, you don't hook up your friends because you're just leading them for disappointment. 

Next, the "unplanned" way. I call it unplanned but it actually is a plan. You're out with your new girl, her friends meet you somewhere and they're all hot. You send out a simple text to your boys to get their asses to where you are right now. Suddenly, they show up like they were just in the neighborhood, and there you have it. Her friends meet your friends and everyone's having a good time. 

This helps you out with your new girl as well. Now you can hang out with your new chick and your friends. And she gets to hang out with you and her friends. It's the best of both worlds. Of course, this only works until one of your friends bangs her best friend and decides to stop speaking to her. But that's not your fault since you had "no idea" he was gonna do that. Hey, at least you won't lose sleep over it knowing that you didn't try. You accomplished your mission, and no one can ever blame you for that.  

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