Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Big Game Today"

You have to love Sunday's during football season. But the one thing that you don't have to love are the dumb people you see on Sunday's during football season. You know who I'm talking about, the morons who you see out in public hours before the game is even close to starting who act like they're real fans but you know they are the furthest thing from a real fan.

I saw this instance in action this Sunday. My good friend Nick happened to be sporting his Jets jersey as we went to put Perkins out of business for breakfast. In the time span of less than an hour, he had three people come up to him and utter the words, "Big game today". Really? Because he's a die hard Jet fan, I'm sure he had no idea they were playing a big game. 

The question is, why are you opening your mouth? Do you realize that people who don't have any idea who you are don't actually want to talk to you? It's not a very hard concept. I don't know you, therefore, I don't want to talk to you. This isn't like you're some famous celebrity, you're just a regular guy on the street. No one wants to hear you tell them something that they already know. 

Or sometimes you even have the "Go Team" chant. Like if a guy is in a Giants jersey, some asshole will walk by and yell, "Go GMEN!" Why? You look like a complete asshole and make the guy in the jersey feel like a dick. There is nothing more obnoxious than doing shit like this. Except for maybe anything Rex Ryan does. But other than Rex Ryan, for the normal person, this is one of the most obnoxious things you could do. If you want to talk to someone, call up some friends. If you don't have any friends, get a dog. Problem solved. 

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