Monday, August 1, 2011

What Do Men Think Of To Last Longer?

This is a question that has been asked by many men amongst each other for ages. What do you think of to last longer? Throughout various studies I have noticed that every man is different. It's almost like cooking or even working out. Everyone has their own philosophies and techniques and they will do what works best for them. So here are some examples of what I have heard men do to last longer in bed.

1) Replay the Sportscenter highlights in their head: A technique I have heard more than once, it seems to be a favorite among men over the age of 20. It works because it combines a mans two favorite things in this world, sex and sports. If we could eat a sandwich while doing this, we would call this method "The Jackpot".

2) Thinking of something disgusting: I have no idea how this works because I could personally never do it. In the heat of the moment if I thought of something disgusting I might actually throw up, which would then put a big damper on the night. But like I said, it's everyone's own technique and to each his own.

3) Singing a song: This is definitely another technique used by various men throughout the world. Any song should suffice, and most of the time we use songs that are not of popular demand. For example, I have heard of people using the Star Spangled Banner so they think they are doing it for their country. That's good enough for me.

Those are just three techniques that men use to last longer in bed, but there are plenty of others. Using one of those spermicidal condoms I hear is a no-go in this department by the way. Rumor has it that Jesus Christ couldn't finish while wearing one of those things. Stick to more natural methods and you should be just fine.

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