Saturday, August 27, 2011

Asshole(s) Of The Day Award (Hurricane Edition)


What is this you ask? This is a Kay Jewelers out in Long Island and our friend Jeff has been kind enough to take a picture of what these jackasses did to their store. This is supposed to be an attempt to board up their windows for the hurricane. Do you notice that they are boarded up from the inside? I was under the impression that you boarded up the windows so that the glass doesn't break, but apparently I was wrong. If the glass breaks what good is that board going to do? It's really not going to do any good at all. Your stupidity amazes me. Here is a box of t-shirts for all the workers at the Kay Jewelers out on Long Island since not one of you noticed that this is not the way you board up windows. When the glass shatters and your store floods, don't say I didn't warn you.

1 comment:

  1. If you board it up from the outside the wood blows away and then you're fucked when the windows blow into the store and people rob everything. The tape is a shitty job but its meant to keep the shards of glass in. How's the glass going to break with wood bolted to it from the inside?
