Monday, August 22, 2011

Beer Pong And Its Strategies

Have you ever noticed that beer pong is a game all about strategies. It doesn't actually seem that way while you're playing it, but if you sit back and think about it, strategies are the way the game is played. With everyone going back to college and classes starting up again, I figured why not talk about some beer pong strategies that have been popular throughout the years?

To begin, you never mess with the flow, unless it's not working. What is the flow? The flow is the order in which your team is shooting. If you're shooting first, you always shoot first and your partner always shoots second. However, the flow will change if you and your partner hit a cold streak. You all know it. If you're on a cold streak you do one of two things. You switch up who shoots first, or you switch sides. Switching sides is a favorite strategy of mine to get back on track, while others like to change up the batting order. But it's all about whatever works for you.

Next we have the what cups to hit strategy. Early on in my beer pong years many people spoke about trying to get the front cup out of the way early and then work from there. Others would also say that the middle cup is the worst cup to hit first. However, that is total bullshit because when you hit the middle cup, you then have three triangles to shoot at. Get a clue. Realistically, it doesn't matter what cups you're hitting as long as you're hitting cups. Remember, you'll get two re-racks.

Finally, the re-rack strategy. In a game with only two re-racks, choosing where to rack is key. I have seen some people re-rack at five, four, and three. You don't want to re-rack at six unless you are desperate. That is also why six is called the desperation rack. To be honest, the most favorable re-rack is if you are able to re-rack at three. Because then you can set up the cups any way you want and it doesn't matter what cup you hit. It doesn't matter what cup you hit because you still have the re-rack at two. This strategy works wonderfully.

I hope I have put some light on the situation known as Beer Pong. Everyone knows these strategies, but they are never actually talked about. I figure this could be the advice I give as most of you head back to college. Enjoy the year.

Sidenote: Never call island or skill cup if your partner has hit the first shot. You can hit any cup because you're getting the ball back any way. This is a mistake I see made every time I play beer pong. Don't be that guy who completely wastes your island/skill cup.

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