Monday, August 29, 2011

Here's Why You Shouldn't Jump Out Your Window and Onto A Trampoline

Here's a mom just trying to be the cool parent and fit in with the young'ns. She probably drank like three frozen margarita's got a little buzz going and figured, "I'll show these kids how it's done. Check this shit out." So she jumps out of a window and onto a trampoline, and when she rolls over her ankle looks like a tree branch that just got snapped in half. What are you doing lady? You're not 20 years old anymore. Your body is all fragile and on the verge of getting wrinkly. You can't be jumping out of windows trying to prove a point to a bunch of kids. This is like Jack Nicholson or Morgan Freeman trying to play the role of a high school kid. It's just not gonna work. I kind of have no remorse that your ankle snapped like a pixie stick mainly because you shouldn't be jumping out of windows for absolutely no reason. But hey, have a speedy recovery so you can go back to hanging out and doing stupid things with your kids and their friends. 

Sidenote: Did anyone else notice how not one person ran over to help her? From the faces I saw, they were basically saying, "That sucks, but it's not my mom so I'm out of here." Kids these days, they have no respect for their elders.

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