Monday, August 22, 2011

Ladies, Shopping Is A Goal Oriented Mission

Women always wonder why their boyfriends, guy friends, or even husbands do not want any part of going shopping with them. The reason is simple. You do more browsing than you actually do shopping. Shopping is a goal oriented mission, not an all day affair. Women don't understand the difference between going to pick something up, and going to look around for four hours while you can't make up your mind.

For example, when a guy goes shopping, he knows EXACTLY what he wants and where he is going. No matter what object he is specifically going shopping for, he immediately gets to that object, buys it, and get the hell out. Like I said, goal oriented mission. A man knows his goal, and he sticks to that goal. Then once he achieves it, he leaves.

Women on the other hand have no idea what they want. They think they know, but then they see three hundred other things along their way and stop to look at every one. Occasionally even buying the stuff that they didn't originally go shopping for. By the time all is said and done, and women actually get to what they came for, they have thirty other bags of clothes and five hours have gone by.

Therefore, if you ladies want men to come shopping with you, remember to stick to the goal. Get in, get out and move on. Shopping should not be an all day affair where you put yourself into a ridiculous amount of credit card debt. It should be for a purpose.

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