Saturday, August 13, 2011

The NCAA Is Getting Ridiculous

What is going on throughout the NCAA? You have schools moving into conferences that are nowhere near their geographic region. Colorado went from the Big 12 (XII) to the PAC 10 (which is now the PAC 12) and they're not on the Pacific Coast. The PAC standing for Pacific Athletic Conference. Last time I checked, Colorado is not on the coast, or any coast for that matter. Now Texas A&M wants to move to the SEC. The SEC stands for the Southeast Conference. Texas A&M is clearly in the Southwest. This makes no sense to me. Also, Missouri is apparently also moving to the SEC. Missouri is not anywhere near the Southeastern United States. And my favorite has to be TCU moving to the Big East. TCU is in Texas. They are nowhere near the eastern seaboard. How does the NCAA allow this BS to happen? Either change the names of the conferences or don't let this happen. It looks ridiculous and you take away from the long time rivalries such as Colorado and Nebraska or Texas A&M and Texas. The things that make college sports great are now losing their luster because of money and it is absolutely ridiculous.

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