Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award


This is an example of sheer genius. This giant asshole decided that he was going to rob his two lifelong friends at gunpoint, in their car. First of all, you got $60 and a cell phone out of the deal. You might as well have robbed chocolate from a candy store. Second of all, just because they're your lifelong friends doesn't mean that they're not calling the cops after you rob them at gunpoint. What exactly did you expect them to do? Were you hoping they thought it was a joke and wouldn't even bother calling the cops? What was going through your head? Another thing to think about, genius, is that since they've known you for so long they had no trouble giving your description to the cops. I guess you didn't think of that one either. Here's your t-shirt Judas, enjoy that holding cell of yours.

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