Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Would You Rather Wednesday's

For today’s Would You Rather we have the Would You Rather Hooker Edition….


Midget                                          Tranny

Which hooker would you rather have sex with? Would you rather have sex with the midget hooker or the transvestite hooker? The only catch here is that you don’t find out she’s a transvestite until you reach around and grab a hand full of cock and balls. I think for me here I have to go with the midget hooker. You can do all sorts of fun things with midgets. Throw them around, make them kick themselves in the head, maybe even lock them in safe for a few minutes just for laughs; the possibilities are endless. Tranny’s on the other hand are like 6’5 and would probably dismantle you in every aspect of the bedroom. Oh, and they’re usually a dead give away that they’re a dude with the giant adam’s apple. I’m totally taking the midget in this one, basically for the awesome story I would have afterwards and because at least the midget has a vagina.


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