Monday, April 25, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: The Difference Between Lying And Omitting

People lie to each other all the time. But what most people don’t understand is that there is a significant difference between lying about something, and simply just omitting a detail or two. Lying is either not telling the truth, or changing the facts. That is what is considered lying. Omitting is just the art of leaving out some facts.

For example, when a guy goes out with his friends and his friends happen to start talking to girls, simply omitting the fact that there were girls there is a great way to avoid a fight. Why? Because if your girlfriend knows that girls were there, she gets jealous and will hold it in the back of her head for another fight at a later date. We all know this is true, so not even mentioning this will save you two fights in the long run.

But if she asks you if there were girls there and you say no, this would be a lie. This also means that someone snitched to her and deserves a backhand to the face. Just tell her the truth. If you tell her the truth, she doesn’t think you’re a cheater. If you lie, she’ll assume you cheated even though you didn’t. Omitting saves fights, lying escalates them.

These are just simple examples of the difference between lying and omitting. When the opportunity to omit is there, use it. To end I will say what a wise man named Frank once told me: Women base relationships off of what they hear, men base relationships off of what they see. This is why women wear make-up and men lie.

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