Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ladies: How To Know He's Not Interested

As a guy it’s very hard to deal with not being interested in a certain girl, especially if the girl is very much into you. Just like everyone else, when a girl comes on too strong, it’s just a turn off. On the other end of the spectrum, when a girl doesn’t give any slack and makes it too challenging, that is also a turn off. Ladies, here are the ways to know when we’re not interested.

He never asks you to hang out: If you continually text him and he has not once asked you to hang out, he’s not interested. He’s being nice by talking to you because you’re always the one texting him first, but that’s all he’s doing is being nice. If a guy wants to hang out with a girl, he’ll ask her. If a guy doesn’t even make the attempt to want to hang out, he is not the least bit interested.

You give him your number, and he doesn’t do anything with it: Guys get numbers when they’re out and drunk all the time. If we don’t text or call, we’re not interested. If a guy is interested, he will want to talk to you. He’ll probably text you within the next day or two if he’s actually interested. If by the third day there has not been one text sent, you have no shot because his mind has already been made up. You’re on the why did I get her number list.

He’s avoiding you: You see him walking around somewhere, he just nods his head and keeps walking. You text him and he doesn’t answer, or he makes up an excuse to why he can’t hang out, then this is him completely avoiding you. Avoiding girls does not mean we actually like you, like your mother told you when you were 7. It means we really just want nothing to do with you. Get the hint.

These are three simple ways to tell when a guy is not interested. These are also the three most common things that guys do to hint to girls that we are not interested. I hope I have taught you ladies a lesson out there. These actually can be used to your advantage. Just remember, when going after a guy, you need to find the happy medium between too strong and not enough. Another final hint: If he’s always texting you first, and one day he suddenly doesn’t, that means he’s testing to see if you’re actually going to text him. If you don’t, you failed the test.

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